Many students within their high school careers will go through at least one relationship, and like all relationships, there are positives and negatives.
Some cons of high school relationship issues that teens may face are immature patterns such as cheating or high running jealousy. The most reasonable con is the messy breakup that could occur.
Although cons weigh in heavily when talking about high school relationships, there happen to be more pros such as encouraging positive habits, reinforcing morals, improving oneself for the better, and having better mental health overall.
The majority of the time, when high schoolers are in a relationship, they always want to look their best and do their best no matter what, which can cause consistency among good habits. These habits can include reaching and keeping good grades, keeping up on good personal hygiene, and encouraging better sleep habits as well.
When it comes to younger relationships, there also happens to be an added pressure, especially for the girl. Girls tend to try to appease their significant other as much as possible, but they still have to keep their own boundaries in the back of their minds. Although it can be hard to keep these boundaries clear, in a positive relationship, it should be easy.
Boys usually tend to act first and think later, which is not always a bad thing like taking a girl out on a date. Do not make her do the thinking, girls prefer when the boys prepare the date and she just has to show up and look nice.
The final pro to high school relationships is the opportunity to become high school sweethearts. Not all relationships make it, but those who do can end up in a stronger and happier relationship in the end than those who saved dating and relationships for their twenties.