Written by: Madalynn Fitterer
I love when I finally get to start playing Christmas music. I wait all year for the time to come around. Christmas music sets the wintery spirit and so many people love it as well. The time to listen to it is when you’re decorating for Christmas.
Written by: Catherine Farrell
Christmas music is a wonderful source of nostalgia. A sentimental emotion washes over me when I overhear an old Christmas song on the radio or while shopping in the mall. Sometimes, I tear up when I realize that I’ll never experience the magic of Christmas morning again, but I remember that it is an experience that I can gift to future children. I shouldn’t grieve the past, instead, I should remember the joy that those moments brought me.
Written by: Payton Hehr
Christmas music is the best way to get into the Christmas spirit. The jingling of the bells and the high-pitched voice of Mariah Carrey or the low smooth voice of Michael Buble really brighten my day when Christmas is near.
Written by: Carter Mikkelsen
Christmas music is incredible. It is always very jaunty and cozy, and it puts everyone in a good mood when it plays. It reminds people of the joys of Christmas, which encourages them to be nice to others and spend time with friends and family. Christmas songs can be about many different things, which means that each one is unique. The sound of Christmas music is sure to complement any event during the holiday season and put everyone in a merry mood.
Written by: Emma Strand
Christmas music is not fun people start singing it way too soon and it may be catchy and get stuck in your head but it’s really all just singing about the same thing around the same time, and it starts to get boring and then you get sick of the music because you hear it too often and there’s better things to listen to.
Written by: Kimi Gerjets
Christmas music sucks when people play it before or after Halloween. It may brighten up the mood but not when it is October or early November. Let Thanksgiving happen first before playing Christmas music.
Written by: Katie Volk
Christmas songs should only be played in the holiday months like November and December. I should not be hearing Christmas songs in the summer, or I will go insane. They have a place and time, and it is not in the other seasons except winter.
Written by: Carter Mikkelsen
The Christmas song “Little Saint Nick” by the Beach Boys is terrible. The song doesn’t sound like a Christmas song, and some of its lines feel painfully forced and downright idiotic. The best example of this is the line “Christmas comes this time each year”. No kidding! If this band is going to make a Christmas song, they should do it right.