Red heart: People who use red hearts are the most basic type of people. They are the people that text formally with proper punctuation and grammar.
Pink heart: Pink heart users are people who use the heart sarcastically most of the time. They use it to soften up their sentences and make them seem not so harsh.
Blue heart: The dark blue heart is for people who want to seem different. They are the people that try to stand out but are just annoying.
Black heart: The people who use this heart are those who try to seem sad all the time. They want to give off the “emo” vibe and they just aren’t.
Green heart: A green heart is for those who are optimistic and have a good outlook on life. They tend to put a positive spin on everything and say the best for everyone.
Broken heart: The broken heart emoji can be used as a joke, so those who do, are most likely humorous and have lots of friends. Although, some may truly be heartbroken and are either good at hiding it or are trying to.