Spring break, a term that us Students at Bismarck High School appreciate but want more of. Spring break serves as a vacation weekend to allow students to relax, unwind from the stresses of school, and have fun. But there is a simple problem, there isn’t enough time. Winter in North Dakota is brutal and snow days have to be placed sometimes, but when a snowday is in effect it should be replaced with a virtual day or an extra day at the end of the year, not taken out of the spring break we already want more of. State of North Dakota requires 175 school days, and students usually have 180 days of school, which means there is plenty of time to catch up from a lost day.
Taking away from this break is taking away from a healthy retreat that students and teachers need. According to Dr. Messina and Associates, “spring break allows for the improvement of both mental and physical health. Allowing for a longer spring break would allow for a greater level of improvement, which would make the return to school easier for both students and teachers.” Everyone needs time to reset, especially in times of stress like the second semester. It’s the last few weeks of school when students need to complete their final projects and tests. The second semester already feels so much longer than the first because of less days off, so a longer spring break would help to resolve those feelings. Spring break also serves as an opportunity to spend time with siblings enrolled in college. Spring break benefits both students and teachers so don’t take time away from the healthy retreat that is definitely needed by many.