Abortion access

The U.S. Supreme Court is in contemplation over reversing a landmark case that could potentially inhibit the right to abortion for women in America.

In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness month, some states have chosen to show their support in the lowest way possible – restricting abortion access even further. In a couple of months, the U.S. Supreme Court may decide that all states can limit abortions to the earliest stages of pregnancy, or even ban it altogether. Hundreds upon thousands of Americans will start traveling to other states and possibly other countries where abortion remains legal, and that will bring an entire other string of problems.

26 states are likely banning or severely restricting abortion access if the Supreme Court decides against its 1973 ruling. Roe v. Wade, a case in 1973, was a landmark decision granting women the liberty to choose in regards to abortion. The basis of restrictions regarding Roe v. Wade was that the state had no say in first trimester abortions, some regulations can be put in place for second semester abortions related to things like maternal health and third trimester abortions can be prohibited unless absolutely necessary.

Abortion rights in 15 states and the District of Columbia are considered protected long-term. Many of these states have already experienced an abundance of pregnant people coming from outside their borders as stricter abortion regulations are enacted. Many lawmakers in these states are considering new measures that would help with the higher demand of abortions, post Roe v. Wade.

On top of abortion becoming less accessible, those affected in a state like Missouri will face even more challenges. Missouri wants to make it illegal for its residents to receive an abortion in another state, and it likely would not be the only state doing so. Luckily, states like California and Connecticut are planning to combat that with their own bills. Said bills would protect resident abortion providers from lawsuits filed by officials in states where abortion is illegal.

Several states have legislations that will go into effect immediately if the Supreme Court decides against its past ruling. Most of these will ban abortion after six weeks, some banning it entirely, unless the mother’s life is in absolute danger. Taking away the choice is going to cause much more harm than good, and will set the United States back decades of progress.